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Our next event is in.....

Piton Shred Day
April 11, 2025 8:00am-noon local time at BOTH Kennewick and Kalispell offices | FREE PUBLIC EVENT
NOTE that this is a NEW DATE & TIME for the Kalispell office event!
A free, public event where you can come by to have documents safely and securely shredded (at the Kalispell office, please honor the 20-box per person limit). Piton team members will again be serving coffee along with Spudnuts (in Kennewick) or donuts from The Spot (in Kalispell). Both offices will be accepting donations for local Habitat for Humanity chapters (Tri-County Partners at the Kennewick office, Flathead Valley at the Kalispell office), especially paper towels and toilet paper for families moving into their Habitat homes. So come for the shredding, goodies, smiles and a great cause!

Q2 Live Quarterly Client Connector
April 17, 2025 5:30-6:30 PDT (6:30-7:30 MDT) | *PRIVATE* FOR PITON CLIENTS ONLY
Shortly after Tax Day, you can look forward the Live Client Connector for Q2! Along with features on recent Piton events, CEO Michelle Clary and Senior Vice-President of Research Chuck Etzweiler, with Market Analyst Craig Gibson, will update Piton clients on portfolio strategy and market developments. A Q&A session will complete the session. The session will be virtual, but there will be live viewing options in both Piton offices.

Client Advisory Team Meeting
April 21, 2025 noon-1:30pm PST (1pm-2:30pm MST) | PRIVATE EVENT
This is Piton’s regular meeting with a small group of clients, who provide wisdom and guidance so that the executive team always has clients’ perspective as they navigate the future of Piton’s journey.

Q3 Live Quarterly Client Connector
July 17, 2025 5:30-6:30 PDT (6:30-7:30 MDT) | *PRIVATE* FOR PITON CLIENTS ONLY
On this summer evening, you can enjoy the Live Client Connector for Q3! Along with features on recent Piton events, CEO Michelle Clary and Senior Vice-President of Research Chuck Etzweiler, with Market Analyst Craig Gibson, will update Piton clients on portfolio strategy and market developments. A Q&A session will complete the session. The session will be virtual, but there will be live viewing options in both Piton offices.

Client Advisory Team Meeting
July 21, 2025 noon-1:30pm PST (1pm-2:30pm MST) | PRIVATE EVENT
This is Piton’s regular meeting with a small group of clients, who provide wisdom and guidance so that the executive team always has clients’ perspective as they navigate the future of Piton’s journey.
EXTENDED EDITION: Once a year, Piton holds this meeting with a larger group, in order to share and receive additional feedback on internal operations.

Music & Munchies
September 13, 2025 The Reach Museum, Richland, WA
SAVE the DATE! The tradition continues! The Music and Munchies benefit for Tri-County Partners Habitat for Humanity will be bigger and better than ever! And of course you can look forward to plenty of Piton pizzaz! Watch for details about all the activities, ways to support Habitat for Humanity, and, of course, more music and munchies!

Q4 Live Quarterly Client Connector
October 16, 2025 5:30-6:30 PDT (6:30-7:30 MDT) | *PRIVATE* FOR PITON CLIENTS ONLY
Don’t miss the final Live Client Connector of 2025! Along with features on recent Piton events, CEO Michelle Clary and Senior Vice-President of Research Chuck Etzweiler, with Market Analyst Craig Gibson, will update Piton clients on portfolio strategy and market developments that close out the year! A Q&A session will complete the session. The session will be virtual, but there will be live viewing options in both Piton offices.

Client Advisory Meeting
October 20, 2025 noon-1:30pm PST (1pm-2:30pm MST) | PRIVATE EVENT
This is Piton’s regular meeting with a small group of clients, who provide wisdom and guidance so that the executive team always has clients’ perspective as they navigate the future of Piton’s journey.

25th Anniversary Celebration of Piton Wealth
Tri City Regional Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours at Piton Wealth
November 13, 2025 4:00-6:00 PST
Piton Wealth is celebrating its 25th Anniversary in a variety of ways throughout the year. This event will be a very special highlight of that celebration, as we host the Tri City Regional Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours! We are already planning ways to make this a unique occasion for all the business and community members who attend. SAVE the DATE and watch here for more details!

The Second Annual Piton Pie Day at the Kalispell Office
November 25, 2025 1pm-5pm MST
Watch for information to reserve your pie in advance!

Christmas Soiree 2025
December 4, 2025
Once again, a soiree with food, smiles and the blessings of the season!